So who IS SwinkyLife? We are two long-time married couples in our 50s whose journeys in the Lifestyle are relatively young. The four of us have become very close and have discovered that we share a common love of kinky play of all kinds. In the time that we have gotten to know each other, our experiences have shown us that, while we THOUGHT all swingers would be totally into kinky fun, that is not always the case. Some people find kinky play scary or view it as deviant. Many people shy away from kinky fun because they think it involves pain or humiliation. Just like most things, kinky play is on a spectrum. What is kinky to one person – a little spanking or a little hair pulling – may be routine for someone else. Or what you thought you’d NEVER do, now that you’ve tried it, is something that you want to incorporate into your play.
It seems that every time we are at a party and begin rope or impact play (2 of our favorite kinky ways to play) with a playmate, we are inevitably asked questions by curious on-lookers like “Why is this interesting or exciting for you?”, “Why do you spend all this time doing that stuff?”, or “Why don’t you just fuck?”. Well, there are a lot of reasons why! And so, we created SwinkyLife to be a platform to bring the joy of all kinds, styles and levels of kink to anyone who wants to learn more about it.
Join us!
~ Crimson Dragonfly, Tristan, Myrina & PhoenixPhyre