Intro to Swinky Life

Swinky 101: Intro to Swinky Life and Sensation Play
Phoenix Phyre / Myrina
Swinky 101 is our entry level workshop. It is designed for those who don’t know much about kink play and are curious to learn. It goes through the mindset, the attraction, the basic safety, and as with all Swinky classes, enough hands on skills to get you going and let you feel confident in your own bedroom (or hotel room) when you get there! As our intro to everything workshop, we cover a lot of ground in the hands-on sections, including Sensation Play, Rope Play, and Impact Play. Participants will leave with a goodie bag with enough fun stuff to go straight back to your room and get busy, and enough new ideas to keep you going for a long time. (Shopping will never be the same!)
- Who is Swinky Life?
- Swinky Life’s mission
- What is Kink?
- What is Swinky?
Why do this at all? Why not just fuck?
How kink can enhance your relationship
- Communication
- Trust
- Intimacy
- Experimentation – Spicing things up
- Exploration
- It’s Exciting ~ It’s Taboo (HOT!)
- Because it’s FUN!
Kink Play for Beginners
Introduction to Sensation Play
- Definition
- Types of sensation play
Introduction to Impact Play
- Impact Safety
- Types of Impact Play
- Stingy vs Thuddy
- Slap
- Smack
Introduction to Rope Play
- Rope Safety
- Types of Rope Play
- Tie me Up /Tie me Down
- Single Column Chain Stitch
- Rope Tie Off
Hands-On Practice
- Fun and Games with Grab Bag Gimmies
Where can you find Swinky Life next?
- Upcoming workshops, online or podcasts