Intro to Swinky Life

Swinky 401: Couples Tie Series: Lattice Leg Tie
Phoenix Phyre / Myrina
Swinky 401: Leg Lattice Tie is the first in Swinky Life’s Couples Tie Series. It is an introductory tie designed for couples who may not know a lot about rope but, with minimal knowledge of a few hitches, can enjoy creating a fun and intimate experience with each other. Partners will sit facing each other, legs side-by-side. Using half hitches and nodomes, they begin to weave a box design down their legs, tying themselves together as they go.
As with all our Couples Ties Series, there is no “top” or “bottom” but a wonderful “middle” that allows you to explore, communicate, build trust and itimacy. This workshop goes through the mindset, the attraction of rope and tying to each other to become one. We cover basic safety, and as with all Swinky classes, you’ll leave with enough hands-on skills to get you going and let you feel confident in your own bedroom (or hotel room) when you get there!
- Who is Swinky Life?
- Swinky Life’s mission
- Rope
- Bight
- Larks Head
- Hitch
- Knot
- Reverse Tension
- Half Hitch
- Half Hitch Lock
- Nodome
- Munter Hitch
- Swinky Tie Me Down Safety
- Good Communication
- From the Top
- From the Bottom
- Review of hitches
- Warm up exercise
Hands-On Practice
- Interactive, guided progression through the tie
Suggestions for Play
- Various implements of love and affection
Untie and Aftercare
- The importance of checking-in and aftercare
Where can you find Swinky Life next?
- Upcoming workshops, online or podcasts