Author Archives: Phoenix Phyre

Kink 101 Workshop: Why Don’t You Just Fuck?

Impact Play

This blog was written by me, Phoenix Phyre. While everyone at Swinky Life is very open minded and all accepting, I am, by self definition, a cisgendered straight male (he/him/hey you) and speak personally from that perspective. Here at Swinky Life, we strive to be respectful to everyone, including not asking anyone to be PC… […]

Bridging the Gap Between Swingers and Kink

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We get questions from both swingers and kinksters, asking us why we have any attraction to the other group. What’s the attraction? How can you do that?. When we present workshops at swinger and kink events, we are often asked to teach our “Bridging the Gap” workshop. “Bridging the Gap Between Swingers and Kink” provides […]

And We’re Back!!

Swinky Life

The last couple of years have been difficult for many people, and we are no different. This derailed many of our business goals, and we had to cancel multiple engagements. We have had many health and family challenges along the way, some that still continue to this very day. Things Are Getting Better And it […]

SwinkyLife Presents at Florida Power Exchange

Swinky Life - Swinky at FPE Blog

Our First Live Presentation While 2021 has definitely been more challenging than we hoped, we have continued to push forward and get more engaged and involved where we could, and this month we finally had our first, in person, live presentation at Florida Power Exchange. Bridging the Gap Between Swinging and Kink We offered them […]

Living the Swinky Life with Dating Kinky

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Announcing Our New Partnership with Dating Kinky As we have said here earlier, Covid was a challenging time for us, and one of the things we focused on during that time was making connections within the community. We also have other projects we are involved with, including some podcasts, and we put a lot of […]