It has been a rough, crazy fucking year.
And while I could spend a lot of time crying about so much of it, that is NOT what’s going to happen. Because mixed in with all of the madness and sadness has been an amazing amount of awesomeness as well. Let me give you just a quick example…
This morning, I had a small surgical procedure done. On my eyes. If you are like me, you just curled up in the fetal position and began sucking your thumb while crying gently. And this was not so I could see better… this was to prevent a potentially terrible problem that was developing. So, not wonderful.
Because of that, I took the day off of work. (Yeah, day jobs… uuuuggghhh) And with a little free time on my hands, I am working on some stuff around the house to get the monkeys off my back so I can focus on the things I want to, and have been working on those as well. Specifically —
- I have fixed a problem with Instagram feeds on both websites
- I am prepping our rope
- I am watching a few videos on new ties to try
- I am catching up on Instagram posts, which I am about a month behind on
- I am updating home pages to reflect some of the awesome stuff coming up
- And what does all of that have in common? PodBash!!

PodBash is a unique, and very fun, event for us. First, we were a bunch of kinky swingers… then we started a podcast… then we met a lot of other podcasters, but not swinky folks, just regular normal podcasters with every subject matter under the sun. But we also met many of the more adult podcasters as well, including The Front Porch Swingers, and they are the driving force behind PodBash. Their tagline pretty much says it all…
PodBash — It’s Just a F***king Party!
It is held at Secrets, one of our adult resorts, and their are no tracks, no classes, no events… well, theme nights and room crawls, but beyond that… It is literally just a 4 day weekend party.
That being said, we plan on being there with bells on. We will have our full apparatus up, and will be doing rope and impact demo’s and experiences for anyone curious and interested. I do no know if there are still rooms left, but if you live close by, check it out, and come spend some time with us!

Okay, so, great weekend coming up, but what does that have to do with what a rough, crazy fucking year it has been, or The Halloween of New Beginnings?
I am one of those personalities that by default see the glass as half empty. It is a challenge for me to be optimistic when the chips are down. But right now, in spite of all the challenges, all of us (The Accidental Swingers AND Swinky Life) are seeing so much success, so many of our goals going well, and so many great plans for the future, that there is something besides suckiness that I can reach for, grab onto, and work towards… and THAT is my wheelhouse. And so, starting with PodBash, and this, my first blog post in months, I shake off the bullshit, put on my game face, and get back to living one of the most amazing lives I can imagine.
We have so many things coming up… events, workshops, parties, road trips, equipment upgrades, process changes, new social platforms to engage with, new partnerships… it can easily become overwhelming, especially during challenging times. But it is so amazing, and we are meeting so many awesome people on this journey. We love it!
So come to PodBash, stop by, let us tie you up, and talk with us about where else you can catch us over the next year.
Because it’s full throttle from this point forward, again…
~ Phoenix